“Airline Upgrades Lead to a Purloined Pillow Problem”
April 23, 2018
from Skift
After United Airlines introduced fluffy business class Saks Fifth Avenue bedding two years ago, staff noticed pillows and blankets started disappearing at a surprisingly high rate, depleting the airline’s stocks faster than before. A few months later, United gently directed flight attendants to consider picking up bedding before arrival, “as a soft way of ensuring these items stay onboard the aircraft after arrival.” Flight attendants began… Read more.
“United’s Scott Kirby Finally Gets a CEO Job: Now What?”
December 5, 2019
from Skift
Over two decades at four airlines, more than a few junior or midlevel employees have feared briefing Scott Kirby. The problem has never been that he was uninformed or would need extra explanation. The issue is Kirby often seemed to know more about whatever issue they were presenting than they did. If they had holes in their presentations, he would find them, chiding them on what they missed. It didn’t matter if the talk was about… Read more.
“Airlines Care Less About the Environment Than They Lead You to Believe”
October 29, 2019
from Skift
In a Las Vegas hotel ballroom a couple of months ago, Frontier Airlines CEO Barry Biffle promised to reveal how he had solved a question vexing airlines: How to build an environmentally sustainable business without sacrificing profits. Calling Frontier “America’s Greenest Airline,” Biffle explained it would buy the newest airplanes, cram them with seats, and fly them longer each day than competitors. Inside, Frontier would offer zero amenities… Read more.